Brianna MacArthur 2023 - Senior Portraits
Fall, spring, cheer, BFF... Brianna's senior session experience had it ALL! So buckle up to go on a journey with us here to see a bit of EVERYTHING we created with her. First up, we have her very first influencer headshot session and her first influencer themed session (4th of July!) and then her first senior session last spring.
I LOVE when seniors opt for multiple sessions throughout their senior year for a couple reasons but the main being that we can create a different feel for each session. And I consider the first session the 'staples' session. It's where you really get used to being in front of my lens. It's where we create the pretty portraits. The classics. We opt for very true to you clothing choices, classic locations like in-studio and neutral outdoors (either nature or urban) and we create the 'winning' images here...

But wait, there's so much more... we didn't stop with just our summer sessions for Brianna, no we doubled down with our Seasonal Session and created more together throughout the fall. Plus, some time for cheer at school AND a session with her BFF - we seriously had ALL the fun!

And class of 2024 we're booking for fall/winter/spring now and planning ahead for class of 2025 by January so the time to reach out is NOW!
Pssst, would you like our top 5 tips on what NOT to wear on your senior session >>>>>> HERE.